Hi friends. It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything here. Three years to be precise. Wowza.
As I tossed around the idea of reviving my blog, I had a lot of thoughts.
What should my first re-entry post be about? Does anyone even write blog posts anymore? What profound learnings should I share? Should I unpublish past posts that I now see as problematic?
But that was crippling and preventing me from getting started. Hello, perfectionism.
So, I’m throwing all pretense out the window and starting here. Where I am right now.
I’m sure future blog posts will go deeper into what has happened since 2019. For all of us, that is a lot — both globally heavy and maybe, hopefully, some personal lightness and joy.
As I’m writing this our 14-month-old Eliah Ziggy is deeply asleep. Kyler is working from home in our guest room/office. And I’m two months into working two days a week. My colleague, in jest, calls it my “demotion” (one I asked for and my boss supported).
Eliah and I recently spent four days in Palm Springs with two wonderful girlfriends and another little one. Eliah woke me up around 5 a.m. most days, but that meant we got to snuggle while watching the entire sunrise.

After Palm Springs, Eliah and I met Kyler in Seattle to spend the week with my family. It was a soul-filling week that included yoga led by my sister Halina, lots of coffee, walks and good conversation.
These trips were so welcome after this very long winter.
That is all for now. I’m not committing to a blog schedule, because again, that was preventing me from starting. I’m going to post when I want to, about topics that speak to me at the time.
I’ve missed you all and hope to see your face sometime soon.
I’m glad to see you posting again Hannah. It does feel like we are all starting over in many ways… I’m sure your folks loved having you at their house. Your mom and I exchanged pictures of our grandkids and it’s really fun to watch them grow. Best of luck to you!
Thank you, Nancy! That is so fun to hear. I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for sharing and starting your blog again!! I so admire when someone has the ability first of all to write, and then actually take the time to share with others! When you share it gives us the chance to step away from our lives and visualize and experience something different!! We all, or I really need that! Thank you Hanna!!
Sending hugs, Aunt Becky
Thank you, Aunt Becky! I really appreciate your kind words. 🙂